How can we teach about the Holocaust?

How was it possible, not long ago – and in societies not so different from our own – that people across Europe became complicit in the murder of their neighbours?

The Holocaust poses many challenges for educators: its complexity, the powerful emotions it raises, and the picture of the world it presents to young people.

How do we support students as they encounter this difficult history? How do we deepen their knowledge and understanding? How do we move them without traumatising them?

In the videos shown here, Paul Salmons and Shulamit Imber present the approaches to teaching and learning that they developed over many years, in their work at UCL Centre for Holocaust Education and at Yad Vashem, Israel’s national museum and memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.


These short films are part of a free, online course “Teaching the Holocaust: Innovative Approaches to the Challenges We Face”, created by UCL Centre for Holocaust Education and Yad Vashem.

See here for further information and to register your place.


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