How can we teach about the Holocaust?
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

How can we teach about the Holocaust?

The Holocaust poses significant challenges for classroom teaching and learning. How have Yad Vashem and UCL Centre for Holocaust Education each developed distinctive approaches to meet these needs? What are the similarities and differences in their approaches, the comparisons and contrasts?

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Between truth and trust: Conspiracy theories
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

Between truth and trust: Conspiracy theories

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? How do we explain their hold on the public imagination, and what do they tell us about ourselves? Join an international panel of experts providing insights from history, literature, psychology and cognitive science.

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Auschwitz: artefacts as witness
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

Auschwitz: artefacts as witness

More than one million people were murdered in Auschwitz. But they did not disappear without trace. Material evidence of their lives and these crimes still remain – objects as witness, each with a story to tell.

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The courage to care
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

The courage to care

What does Holocaust education have to say about personal ethics and morality? In conversation with leading theologians Sister Carol Rittner and the Archbishop of Sweden, Antje Jackelén.

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Debunking the Rothschild conspiracy
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

Debunking the Rothschild conspiracy

Why do people believe outlandish lies? ‘Forest fires caused by Jewish space lasers! Covid vaccines a Jewish plot to control the world!’ We take a closer look at antisemitic conspiracy theories, why they are dangerous, and how to refute them.

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Why it matters
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

Why it matters

‘Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away.’ has been awarded Europe's most prestigious heritage award, the 2020 Europa Nostra Grand Prix. In the face of Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories and fake news, this matters.

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The never born
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

The never born

How do we approach the magnitude of genocide, and recognise the scale of the loss?

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Current talks, lectures and workshops
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

Current talks, lectures and workshops

A sought-after keynote speaker and teacher, Paul Salmons has taught throughout Europe, the United States and the world. His current talks are listed here.

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Remembering to forget?
Paul Salmons Paul Salmons

Remembering to forget?

The longer a discussion lasts the more likely it is that someone will make a comparison to Hitler or the Holocaust to justify their point of view.

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